Not a chapter, just an update and some personal stuff

So, as many of you have noticed, I’m stupidly late on the next chapter, so here’s an update and some announcements to for you.

Shortly after I made my last post, before I got anywhere on the next chapter, one of my classes gave out a big assignment, and multiple of my classes have been doing that in relative sequence since then (I’m in my senior year, so it’s not too surprising, I’ll be done with school after next fall), so I have had very little time to work on my translations. Other than that, another more personal problem is getting in the way, to be honest, I started translating this because I wanted to read it, and I was releasing them since I had them done already, but it’s been feeling like a chore to do so for a while, I don’t enjoy it anymore, and it’s easier for me to find another novel to read to entertain myself than to work on it. For the short time where Rabie was working with me, I did enjoy it again as I felt I had more of a purpose, but he’s also pretty much dropped off so I’m back to being by myself on this (I’m not blaming him or anything, he was having trouble doing this as well, as he’s even worse off with Japanese than I am, so he was having an even harder time). I am not saying I’m going to drop it, but at the pace things are going, between school and work getting in the way (we have a change of command coming up so I have to do a full sub-component inventory for all of our weapons and related equipment among other things, and during the summer I’m going to be gone for more than a month in training) I don’t know when the next chapter will be out, and I’m not going to try to put dates to them. If anyone is interested in picking this up, please let me know, I’d be happy to hand over the project.

Again, my apologies


20 thoughts on “Not a chapter, just an update and some personal stuff”

  1. No problem.
    Forcing yourself to do something you don’t like only causes unneccessary stress for yourself.

    So best way to go is simply only translate when you have free time and are in the mood to translate.
    And if at one point you finish a chapter you can release it or not.

    While like me others probably like to read this novel there is no one who demands you to force yourself – even less would anyone have the right to do so.

    So good luck with your assigments and probably exams later on.


  2. Well thanks for the translation until now 🙂 I was happy to be able to find this series translated again since the previous translator dropped it. A shama you can’t keep up the pace but you got my respect for being able to do that, I would not have been able to have the dedication you’ve put into it until now. 🙂 Don’t burden yourself with this if you can’t take it.


  3. Thanks for going strong up until now~ everyone appreciates your hard work! It’s understandable on how stressful school work is, so keep up the good work and focus on your studies~


  4. so is anyone going to pick this up? it’s an awesome book and it’d suck to leave here just cause the current translator has lost interest.


    1. Sure, you’re welcome to take it if you want, all I request is that for at least the first few translations, they also be co-hosted on my site so that I can direct traffic your way.


    2. As you haven’t confirmed your taking it, and Syotetsu of Xiaoxiao Translations has expressed interest, if I don’t receive a reply from you by Saturday, May 27th, they’re taking the project.


    1. Someone named Ynver asked that last week, but haven’t replied since, if they don’t reply by Saturday, I’m fine with that, the only thing I request is that you allow me to post the first few chapters translated so I can direct people your way and not leave them out of it.


      1. Now that Saturday is over and I haven’t heard back from Ynver, the novel is yours to work with as you please. How you handle it from here, that’s up to you.


      2. I just found out, apparently some group called subpar translations ( has been translating this since a couple of days after you contacted me (I don’t know if it’s you or not, but I figured I’d let you know). They have already translated up through volume 6 chapter 7.


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